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Costs matter to manufacturers!

Manufacturing companies have thin margins and are sensitive to costs. Facility and equipment, talent and training, inputs and supplies are all part of the cost equation. But so are costs imposed by government which manufacturers typically have very little control over.

The top priority for the Minnesota Chamber Manufacturing Council is to help policymakers understand the impacts of their decisions on manufacturing companies and work to reduce taxes, fees and mandates that make it difficult for companies to compete and grow.

Manufacturers deserve a pro-growth tax system that improves competitiveness, cultivates innovation, attracts investment and talent, and fosters job growth and retention. The Chamber supports the adoption of tax provisions to encourage greater investment in Minnesota operations such as enhancing the R&D tax credit. If the federal government extends provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, immediate conformity is needed with priority attention to provisions such as research and development expensing.

Employers across the state have experienced increases in their unemployment insurance and more than 35 new workplace mandates were passed in the previous two sessions. Manufacturers must be given more time to comply and greater guidance with some of these mandates. The state should allow flexibility in how the state mandated paid family and medical leave program is implemented by employers who may choose to “opt-out” to best serve their employee needs.

Timeliness and certainty in our environmental permitting system is essential for economic growth. We must enact regulatory reforms to the state’s environmental permitting process so it is more predictable, accountable and timely with the goal of protecting our natural resources while encouraging economic development and expansion.

A highly skilled workforce, affordable and reliable energy and affordable health insurance are issues that are also among priorities for Minnesota’s manufacturing community.

Manufacturers are essential to Minnesota’s economy. They represent our state’s legacy and our state’s future. Share your story, and how these critical issues impact your company. Invite policy makers to your business or join us at the Capitol in St. Paul.

For a full list of the Minnesota Chamber’s advocacy efforts to lower costs in Minnesota, click here

Manufacturers exclusive meeting with legislative leaders

Minnesota manufacturers have the opportunity to share the impact of policy decisions directly with leading legislators as part of Chamber Day at the Capitol on April 3. Manufacturers will have an exclusive opportunity to share their thoughts on the challenges of growing a manufacturing company in Minnesota. Sharing the impacts of issues like Earned Sick and Safe Time, Paid Family and Medical Leave, tax burdens and benefits of provisions like the R&D tax credit, permitting timelines and more are all on the agenda for this meeting. Click below to pre-register for the exclusive meeting.