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  • AI Discovers that 100% of All Customers are Human

    May 29, 2024
    The other day I was going through my emails, sorting the wheat from the chaff. But there was one from an unknown sender that intrigued me. The subject line was, “Are you still the founder of Riley Hayes?” This caused a minor existential crisis within me. True, I am the founder of Riley Hayes and it means a lot to me, but once I founded it, aren’t I always its founder? Being a founder of something is not something you can stop being, nor is it something you can be named to at some later date, unless you are Elon Musk at Tesla (look it up!).
  • 2023-2024 Board member profiles

    May 28, 2024
    Part of what makes the Minnesota Chamber unique is its amazing group of volunteer business leaders that serve on the Chamber's Board of Directors. As representatives of our membership, Board members are chosen because of their active participation in the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, their business experience, involvement in civic affairs, and/or their commitment to helping shape public policy to ensure Minnesota’s economic competitiveness.
  • Member profile: Shaw-Lundquist celebrates 50th anniversary

    May 21, 2024
    Shaw-Lundquist is celebrating its 50ᵗʰ anniversary in 2024. It was in 1974 when Fred Shaw co-founded the construction firm in downtown Minneapolis, a humble beginning to a remarkable story of the growth and development of one of the largest and most successful Minority Business Enterprises in the country. 
  • How can the federal government help you export?

    May 7, 2024
    The Export–Import (EXIM) Bank of the United States is the official export credit agency of the United States federal government. They provide a number of insurance programs, loan guarantees and educational resources. Generally, EXIM provides export finance solutions to decrease risk and allow US businesses to offer more favorable terms to foreign buyers. 
  • Top 5 benefits of workers' compensation for businesses

    May 1, 2024
    Workers' compensation is a crucial insurance program that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. While the primary focus of workers' compensation is on the well-being of employees, this insurance also offers significant benefits to businesses. In this blog post, we will explore the various advantages that workers' compensation can bring to your business.

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